We spend the majority of our lives in cities, as humans of the modern era. It’s nothing new or exciting, but I urge you, reader, to stop for a moment and appreciate just how bizzare things have gotten lately.
Imagine a bee hive or an ant colony, the complex structure animals create to dwell in, to ensure comfort and safety. This is what we are, this is what we do. All the asphalt you are used to, all the roads and stores and houses and scyscrapers are a part of an enormous ant hill that expands underground, in the air, even to radiowave frequencies.
Unlike ants or bees, we don’t have a predetermined physiological roles in our colonies and hives; any attempts to artificially create those proven to be disastrous for humankind. We do have roles, though, that’s for certain. The question to ask oneself is which role do you play? What do you consume, produce, or ignore entirely? Whom do you serve and served by? Are you happy with those answers, and if not, what would you like them to be? The answer to this simple question lead me to where I am today. It might do the same for you, who knows.
That’s is for today, thank you for reading. Have a good day, be safe, don’t do illegall stuff (or don’t get caught if it’s torrenting blurays), benefit your hive. Peace.
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