On Public Speaking Credentials For an introverted nerd who does not know how to behave in social situations, public speaking is a challenging task. You come up in front of a room of people waiting to judge your presentation and grade it. It rarely goes well, to be honest. I do not claim to be good at this, but there are ways I found to suck less while not distracting myself too much from my nerdy work. The Setup I usually speak bi-yearly at the local conference which is part of my curriculum and required for getting a degree. There is usually a small audience of 20-30 people that ask questions and grade the talk. Most scientific conferences look quite similar to this and pose a significant challenge for people not experienced in presenting. There are a few ways I came up with over the past four years that improved my ability to speak in front of other people and I would like to share them. These are mostly intended for an introvert unskilled in presentation. Practice Makes Perfec...
Academical Nerd
Science. Programming. Coffee.